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Denture relines: Why do you need them?

Cleveland Dental May 24th, 2023 0 Comments

If you own removable dentures, then you may need to get a denture to reline over time. A denture relining is a straightforward procedure that includes adjusting an existing denture so that it rests more snugly and securely on the wearer’s gums. There are various types of relining available including soft reline denture and hard […]


4 signs you need a denture reline.

Cleveland Dental February 2nd, 2023 0 Comments

Even if you get the high-quality dentures made from durable material you may find that your dentures aren’t fitting well as they used to. Dentures should be relined every 2 years. The shape of your jawbone and gums changes gradually as you age which means that your dentures too will not fit in your mouth […]