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Possible denture issues that might cause you pain and discomfort.

Home | Possible denture issues that might cause you pain and discomfort.

Cleveland Dental Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

Possible denture issues that might cause you pain and discomfort.

Denture discomfort is rather frequent among people who wear dentures; nevertheless, there are a number of different reasons why it happens. A denture has the potential to cause discomfort, so it is essential to remember that the amount of discomfort and pain caused by it should be kept to a minimum. The following is a list of the most typical factors that lead to denture pain and discomfort

  • Improper fit: New dentures are sometimes created with a foundation composed of resin that rests on top of the existing gum line. This might cause the dentures to not fit properly. Gums are delicate tissues, and if the denture does not fit correctly, it will shift and move around in the mouth all the time. This causes the gums to rub against each other, which can lead to discomfort and even scorching in certain cases. 
  • Poor oral hygiene: Similar to real teeth, your dentures also have to be cleaned regularly to prevent build-up of bacteria and yeast. If there is bacteria or yeast growth on dentures, the wearer may end up with gum infection and oral thrush. 
  • Adjustment period: It can take some time to get used to wearing dentures, and denture wearers may also experience some mild pain in the early months. But if the pain becomes persistent and to treat denture pain, you will have to visit the dentist for an adjustment. 
  • Allergies: Although rare, allergies can also be the reason for your denture pain, as some patients may end up having allergic reactions to acrylic, metal, resin, or plastic materials used in dentures. If you are allergic to denture adhesives or cleaners, then they may cause gum swelling and gum irritation that may also result in ulcers. 


How to go about overcoming dental pain and discomfort? 

Dental issues are becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s society. The majority of individuals do not take proper care of their mouth and teeth and put off going to the dentist for checkups, which is the primary source of this problem. To keep your teeth and gums in good condition, it is recommended that you wash your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. There is also a sore gum home remedy that you can follow. See a dentist at least once every six months to determine whether you are experiencing any oral health issues. Get denture treatment as soon as possible if you discover any, so that you can avoid further difficulties in the future. Dental discomfort may be avoided in this manner, as can the development of a mouth that is both robust and healthy. 

For treatment on denture pain , if you go to Cleveland Dental Clinic, where our skilled and experienced dentists are licensed to practice, they will be able to provide you with useful advice on how to keep your teeth and mouth in good condition. You won’t have to worry about any oral health issues in the years to come if you keep doing this.

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