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Some possible risks of having frequent deep teeth cleanings

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Cleveland Dental Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

Some possible risks of having frequent deep teeth cleanings

Deep teeth cleaning

Deep teeth cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure involving the removal of tartar and plaque deposits below the gingival line. This procedure is usually done to treat periodontal disease, which is a more advanced form of gum disease. During deep teeth cleaning, dentists will use special tools to clean the areas below the gum line where regular brushing and flossing cannot reach. They will also smooth out the surfaces of tooth roots to help prevent further plaque buildup. They may be performed in one or multiple visits, depending on the extent of periodontal disease. 

Deep teeth cleaning costs vary depending on several factors, including the severity of periodontal disease. It can cost between $200 to $400 per quadrant of mouth. A typical mouth has four quadrants, so the total cost for a full mouth deep cleaning can range from $800 to $1600.

Advantages and Disadvantages of deep teeth cleaning

Advantages of deep teeth cleaning

Some of the advantages of deep teeth cleaning are:

  • Improved oral health: Deep teeth cleaning can help remove tartar and plaque buildup, which can improve the health of your gums and reduce the risk of gum disease.
  • Fresher breath: Removing the bacteria and buildup from your teeth and gums can help improve bad breath.
  • Better overall health: Gum disease has been linked to other health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. By treating gum disease with deep teeth cleaning, you may reduce your risk of these other health problems.

Disadvantages of deep teeth cleaning

Some of the disadvantages of deep teeth cleaning  are:

  • Discomfort: The process of deep teeth cleaning can be uncomfortable, particularly if you have sensitive teeth or gums. Local anesthesia may be used to reduce discomfort, but some discomfort may still occur during or after the procedure.
  • Cost: Deep teeth cleaning can be more expensive than a regular cleaning, particularly if you require multiple visits to complete the process.
  • Sensitivity: You may experience increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks for a few days following the procedure.

Some possible risks of having frequent deep teeth cleanings

Frequent dental cleaning is known for scaling and root planing can have certain risks includes:

  • Gum recession: Aggressive cleaning can damage the gum tissue and cause it to recede, exposing the roots of the teeth.
  • Tooth sensitivity: Scaling and root planing can remove the protective layer of enamel, making the teeth more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
  • Pain and discomfort: Deep cleaning can cause discomfort, especially if you have sensitive teeth or gum disease.
  • Infection: In rare cases, deep cleaning can introduce bacteria into the bloodstream, which can lead to infection.
  • Weakening of teeth: Overzealous cleaning can weaken the teeth and increase the risk of fractures.
  • Damage to dental work: Deep cleaning can damage dental fillings, crowns, and other dental work.


How often do you need to have your teeth cleaned?

The frequency for teeth cleaning varies depending on individual factors such as oral health, diet and lifestyle. A general guideline, most dentists recommend having your teeth cleaned every six months, or twice a year, to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent dental problems. Deep teeth cleaning alternatives is an effective treatment for gum disease and may be appropriate for certain individuals. 

For individuals with certain dental conditions, such as periodontal disease or a history of cavities, more frequent cleaning may be necessary. It’s important to follow the advice of the dentist and schedule cleaning as recommended to ensure optimal oral health.

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