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Teeth whitening Vs Porcelain Veneers: Which one is better?

Home | Teeth whitening Vs Porcelain Veneers: Which one is better?

Cleveland Dental Thursday, February 9th, 2023

Teeth whitening Vs Porcelain Veneers: Which one is better?

Teeth become dull and discolored for many reasons and there are two ways of getting a brighter, whiter smile are teeth whitening and Porcelain veneers. Knowing the differences between teeth whitening Vs Porcelain Veneers can help to determine which one is best for each individual case.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure because it is fast, easy and affordable. A Commonly performed treatment, whitening uses a bleaching agent to remove the stains and discoloration. There are a variety of over the counter whitening treatments, professional teeth whitening can whiten teeth in around 5 to 10 shades in a single appointment. Teeth whitening procedures are performed by the professional dentist who can safely use higher concentration or whiteners to achieve impressive and lasting results. Teeth whitening kit uses an LED device with the combination of whitening gel or the to deliver the better result. The cost of kits cost around $300 to $500. Whereas, Teeth whitening cost tends to be lower than other cosmetic dental treatments. The cost of teeth whitening is around $800 to $1000 for laser whitening treatment.


  • Improvement of the appearance
  • Options of taking teeth whitening kits
  • Not harmful to the teeth


  • Not permanent
  • Bleaching agents of the whitening can cause irritation or sensitivity.
  • No change in the crowns and fillings

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers is a hard coating which completely covers the front of an individual tooth. It is purely cosmetic which is used only on the front most teeth that are visible rather than the molars situated towards the back of the mouth. These are the thin shells that are custom made from porcelain in a dental lab and then adhered to the front side of visible teeth. The porcelain veneers last about 10-15 years. The cost of porcelain veneers varies from the patient to patient and it is worthwhile investing with proper oral care. The porcelain veneers cost is between $850 to $2500 per tooth.


  • Easy maintenance
  • Ease of shaping
  • Durability
  • Realistic appearance


  • High cost
  • Teeth sensitivity
  • Prone to crack and chipping

Which one is better?

When deciding on the treatment it is important to think about the difference between these treatments. Teeth whitening is highly effective and improves the color of the teeth and cannot remove all types of stains. Whereas, porcelain veneers can correct the size, color, shape, alignment and spacing of the teeth. Porcelain veneers are also more expensive than teeth whitening procedures and last longer & save your movie in the long run.


Finding the right cosmetic dentistry around.

If you are thinking about the best cosmetic dentist then do a little homework before finding. It is important to take some time researching candidates before making a decision so that you will feel confident for the best treatment and achieve the best possible result.

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